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What is Albuterol? How to Treat with Generic Asthalin.

Drug description:
Generic Albuterol or Asthalin is identical to the branded medicine but is made by another pharmaceutical producer. The medication available at this web page is an inhaler used in bronchospasm associated with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, bronchitis, and so on. The inhaler is used for the acute asthma attacks or suffocation and as prevention before any physical exercising or encountering of an allergen. The inhalation can be used for adults and children older than 4 years. Find out more about the medicine from our guide.
Brand name:
Generic name:
- Helps to stop and prevent the asthma attack promptly and effectively.
Salbutamol, Accuneb, Aerolin, Airet, Airomir, Asmaven, Asmol, Asthavent, Broncovaleas, Buventol, Cetsim, Cobutolin, Ecovent, Levalbuterol, Loftan, ProAir, Proventil, Respirol, Rotahaler, Salamol, Salbulin, Salbutard, Salbutine, Salbuvent, Solbutamol, Sultanol, Venetlin, Ventalin, Ventolin, Volma, Volmax, VoSpire ER, Xopenex.
Albuterol (Asthalin 100 mcg)
Actual product may differ in appearance from image shown.

Order Albuterol (Asthalin 100 mcg)

Dosage:100 mcg
Quantity (max. 2) Package Price, USD You save
1 2 inhalers $41.00 $45.00 $4.00
1 3 inhalers $55.00 $59.00 $4.00
1 4 inhalers $75.00 $86.00 $11.00
1 5 inhalers(popular) $99.00 $116.00 $17.00
1 10 inhalers $185.00 $225.00 $40.00
Price: $168.90

Generic Albuterol (Asthalin 100 mcg) Medication guide:

More facts about Generic Albuterol (Asthalin 100 mcg):

What is Generic Albuterol? It is of the same quality as the branded medicine?

Albuterol is a brand name of the anti-asthma medication based on the active substance called Salbutamol. For the first time, the preparation was marketed in 1969 by the drug developer. However, since the formula was developed so long ago, the exclusive right of the manufacturer has already expired and the medication has been produced by numerous pharmaceutical companies from all around the world. Although they can use the same formula, they cannot sell the drug under the registered brand name as it would violate the brand owner copyright. Therefore, all of them are registered under different trade names. But in order to make it easier for people to find the preparation they need, these medicines are collectively called Generic Albuterol. If your healthcare provider advises you to buy Albuterol, you can without any doubts look for a generic version at an online pharmacy to save the money on the treatment without getting the lower quality.

Generic medicines are cheaper for many reasons, the bad quality not being one of them. First and foremost, their producers do not invest money in the research but get the right to make the same medicines either for free or for a small fee. Besides, the production of this medication is not that expensive especially if it is made in the developing countries. Not being advertised, these medicines also do not have the advertising expenses margins in their prices.

The goal of generics creations is to make all medications without exception affordable to all people regardless of their place of birth and social status. Although they were created mostly to balance the chances for the effective treatment for people from the developing countries, taking into account that in the U.S. all medicines are highly overpriced, generics become more and more popular there too.

As for the quality of generic, ideally, all of them must provide the same effect but not all manufacturers are decent. In order to get the right medication, first of all, you should check the active substance which is always indicated on the package and should be Salbutamol. Secondly, you should opt for a reliable seller with a good reputation and customers reviews. If you buy Generic Albuterol online, it is important to check the vendor’s reputation in order not to purchase a placebo or an expired inhaler.

When should I buy Generic Albuterol?

The main indication for the preparation use in a form of inhaler is bronchial asthma. However, it is also prescribed in other conditions that result in spastic occurrences in bronchi. For instance, the inhaler or the pills can be used in the chronic lungs obstruction, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema.

Besides, the medication is also used for premature birth or other birth compilations but in a form of infusions because it influences the activity of the uterus.

In the conditions that cause wheezing, coughing, and suffocation, the form of pills or inhaler is used. Even if you have these symptoms only during a physical exercise, you can benefit from its use.

It is a quick and short-acting bronchodilator, i.e. it expands the bronchi and facilitates breathing. The medication cannot be used for the prevention of asthma attacks but it is very effective if an attack has already started. Besides dilating the bronchi, it also facilitates the sputum excretion, promotes the production of mucus, improves the functions of the epithelium of the bronchi, inhibits the ejection of inflammatory mediators from mast cells, and averts the development of bronchospasm caused by an allergy.

If you suffer from such symptoms as shortness of breath, wheezing, suffocation, coughing, general weakness, and so on, especially if you are a smoker, work in a dusty place or with gases or have any allergy, you can buy Asthalin without a prescription from our online pharmacy and use it as indicated in the instruction. But we strongly recommend you to undergo the medical examination, take all necessary tests and consult a specialist to find out your precise diagnosis and only then if a doctor considers that Salbutamol in a form of an inhaler is suitable for you - purchase the medication from this web page.

When shouldn’t I buy Asthalin?

Although the medication is very effective and necessary in the conditions in which breathing is obstructed, there are certain contraindications for the inhaler use. For instance, it is prohibited to be applied if you suffer from severe adverse effects from its use as it means that you are intolerant of the substance. Besides, the medicine is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women and children younger than four years.

In certain conditions, the medication can be used but cautiously, i.e. under a doctor’s supervision and in the development of any malaise related to the condition the therapy must be discontinued. These conditions include elevated arterial blood pressure, heart failure, myocarditis, heart disease, stenosis of aorta, thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma, diabetes, and severe liver and/or kidney failure.

If you have any chronic or acute condition or illness, make sure to inform your healthcare provider about it before you buy Generic Asthalin inhaler and start using it.

With what medicines the Asthalin inhaler use must not be combined?

If you take any medicines or supplements, you must inform your physician about them before you start the therapy as certain drug combinations can cause severe adverse reactions. Here we list the most significant negative combinations but not all of them.

Asthalin amplifies the action of the stimulants that affect the central nervous system.

It enhances the effect on the heart of the thyroid hormones.

The toxic effect of the inhaler is enhanced with theophylline and ephedrine.

The risk of cardiovascular side effects or complications raises in the use of corticosteroids, inhibitors of prostaglandins synthesis, tricyclic antidepressants, and MAO inhibitors, inhalable anesthesia, and Levodopa.

Asthalin reduces the efficiency of beta-blockers, medicines used to lower the blood pressure, and effect of nitrates.

How to use Generic Asthalin inhaler?

The medication comes with an instruction with the generally recommended dosages and methods of use but we still highly advise you to consult your physician for more precise and customized recommendations before you order Albuterol.

On this web page, we provide the recommendations of the inhaler use in children over 4 years of age and adults taken from the official label.

In case of starting asthma attack or suffocation in obstructive pulmonary disease, a single inhalation is used. If the effect is insufficient, within five minutes after the first inhalation the second one can be made. After the attack, the inhalations are made with intervals of 4-6 hours but not more than 8 inhalations a day.

As a prevention of asthma attacks, the inhaler can be used ten-fifteen minutes before a physical activity or encounter of an allergen. The dosage is equal to one inhalation or 100 mcg.

If your healthcare provider appoints you a supportive therapy with the drug, you can use two 100 mcg inhalations repeated 4-8 times a day. The maximum daily dosage is 800 mcg a day or 8 inhalations. If you exceed this dosage, severe adverse reactions can develop.

If over the course of the therapy you don’t feel any improvement of the condition but tend to need the inhaler use more frequently, it means that your disease progresses and you need to consult a doctor on the replacement of the main medication or use of oral glucocorticosteroids instead.

Adverse effects Generic Asthalin inhaler can cause

The medication can cause a variety of adverse reactions such as shaking of hands, irritability, agitation, vertigo, headache, cramps, sleeplessness, rapid heartbeat, arterial pressure fluctuations, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, lack of appetite, allergic reactions, and so on.

If you order Generic Albuterol and stat suffering from any negative effects, do not hesitate to inform your healthcare provider right away as some of the symptoms can be signalizing that the drug is not suitable for you.

Overdose signs and treatment

If you use the inhaler more times that recommended in the instruction, you can start suffering from side effects related to heart, cramps, headache, agitation, hallucinations, and others.

First of all, you must not use the medication within the next 24 hours. Secondly, if the symptoms are intense, you should seek medical assistance.

Where to buy Asthalin inhaler?

If you have a prescription, you can get it virtually at any drugstore. But if you don’ want to go for a refill prescription to your doctor or want to purchase the inhaler cheaper, you can order Asthalin from our online pharmacy.

Generic Asthalin inhaler shipping

Once you finalize your order, we will ship Asthalin to you within 14-25 days depending on the shipping method you selected.

Free prescription

Our doctor prescribes Asthalin online for free, and there is no doctor’s consultation fee.

Discrete packaging

All orders of Asthalin arrive in discrete unmarked parcels. We leave the shipment description blank.

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Albuterol (Asthalin) Reviews:
Common drug rating: 5.00 / Total votes: 4
Rating: 5 Jul 2 / 2024 USA, Kennewick
How often can I use my Albuterol inhaler?
Doctor comment
Jul 3 / 2024 Doctor comment

The frequency of Albuterol use depends on your specific condition and the instructions provided by your healthcare provider. Typically, Albuterol is used as needed for relief of acute symptoms, with a common dosage being 2 puffs every 4 to 6 hours. However, it is important not to exceed the recommended dosage and to consult your doctor if you find yourself needing to use the inhaler more frequently, as this may indicate that your condition is not well controlled.

Rating: 5 Feb 3 / 2024 U.S, Glendora
This inhaler is my life saver!
Can I rely on Generic Albuterol (Asthalin 100 mcg) as a rescue inhaler?
Doctor comment
Feb 4 / 2024 Doctor comment

Albuterol-Asthalin ia a rescue or quick relief inhaler that helps to stop and prevent asthma attack

Rating: 5 Jun 16 / 2021 USA, Andover
Hi! thank you, the order arrived timely!
Rating: 5 Apr 23 / 2018 USA, Irving
Everything works well so far. Very fast shipping.
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