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What is Aciphex? How to Treat with Generic Rabeprazole.

Drug description:
Generic Aciphex offered at this webpage the same medication as the branded drug but it is named differently because the producer is another pharmaceutical company. However, it doesn’t influence the composition and effectiveness of the drug. The active substance of the medication is Rabeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor that prevents ulcers and helps to heal existing ones and also helps to cope with the manifestations of GERD. The medication can be used for long periods of time but its safety is studied in adults only. Before using the medication it is important to exclude any malignant processes in the stomach.
Aciphex (Rabeprazole 20 mg)
Actual product may differ in appearance from image shown.

Order Aciphex (Rabeprazole 20 mg)

Dosage:20 mg
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1 60 pills $65.00 $69.30 $4.30
1 90 pills(popular) $90.00 $99.63 $9.63
1 120 pills $120.00 $136.23 $16.23
Price: $168.90

Generic Aciphex (Rabeprazole 20 mg) Medication guide:

More facts about Generic Aciphex (Rabeprazole 20 mg):

What are Aciphex tablets?

Aciphex is a brand name registered for an anti-ulcer medication available on the market since 1998. The main compound of the product is Rabeprazole which can be found internationally under different names.

The preparation is classified as a proton pump inhibitor, i.e. the substance aimed at the management of gastric acid-dependent illnesses of the digestive tract that provide the effect through the diminishing in the production of gastric acid by suppressing certain cells of the gastric mucosa of the proton pump.

Generic Rabeprazole is an antisecretory compound that has no anticholinergic properties and is not an antagonist of histamine H2 receptors, but inhibits the excretion of gastric acid by suppressing specifically the enzyme responsible for the acid secretion found in the top of parietal cells of the stomach which are commonly called also proton pump. It is a prodrug, i.e.  it is converted into an active form only when it is in contact with acidic environment. The effectiveness of the medication is dose-dependent, i.e. the higher dosages are taken, and the more pronounced the suppression of the pump is. It inhibits both basic (empty stomach) and stimulated production of gastric acid caused by an irritant. The antisecretory effect of the medication is observed within an hour after the intake of 20 mg. The maximum lowering of the pH of the stomach is registered in two-four hours after the first dosage intake. During the first 24 hours, it lowers the average daily acidity index by 61% (this is about 88% of the decrease in secretion achieved on the 8th day of use).

The action aimed at the basal function suppression and secretion of gastric acid triggered by food within 24 hours after the first dose intake is 69% and 82% respectively. The effect lasts for 48 hours. The effectiveness of the medication is slightly increased in daily intake of a single pill but the stable suppression of gastric acid is achieved already within three days after the therapy start. After the pills use discontinuation, the natural secretory function restores within two-three days.

The tests on the animals showed that the medication is quickly eliminated from the blood and the mucosa of the digestive tract.

Although the medication use is crucial in certain symptoms or conditions to avoid their worsening or to improve the quality of life, before you buy Aciphex you must be informed that the medications that suppress the proton pump function and diminish the production of stomach acid elevate the quantity of bacteria in the digestive tract and the probability of development of infections caused, for instance, by Salmonella, and others raises.

What are Generic Aciphex tablets? Can they be used instead of the branded preparation?

The compound marketed as Generic Aciphex is basically the same preparation that is simply made by another pharmaceutical company. It is not different by the composition and effect. This practice is approved by the World Health Organization and is used to fight the monopoly of large pharmaceutical companies and thereby allow people purchase the medications they need at affordable prices. It means that if your healthcare provider tells you to start taking Aciphex pills, you can without any doubts buy Generic Aciphex instead at a lower price. However, you need to make sure that you purchase the right dosage pills as there are two different formulations – 10 mg and 20 mg pills. If you are still unsure whether the drug you are about to buy is the same as the branded medication, check the name of the active substance which must be Rabeprazole. It is especially important to check these details if you get the medication from an online pharmacy. Our pharmacists will gladly provide you with the full information and help you choose and buy the right tablets that correspond to your doctor’s recommendations.

When is this stomach medication appointed to be used?

The preparation is appointed in the active stomach and duodenum ulcer, non-cancerous gastric ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux disease including long-term supportive therapy of the disease of different severity, and for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

The preparation can be appointed as a part of complex therapy with corresponding antibacterial medicines for the elimination of Helicobacter pylori in people with ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

If you suffer from any of these conditions, please do not hurry to buy Rabeprazole if your physician or gastrologist didn’t tell you so. The thing is that there are different medications used seemingly for the same symptoms and diseases and only a specialist can choose the correct therapy depending on the other conditions, allergies, and so on, that you have.

Who must not use Rabeprazole?

The medication is contraindicated to be used if you are hypersensitive to its components, i.e. if you suffer from moderate to severe adverse effects as the expected benefit is lower than the potential risk. Besides, the medication is contraindicated to be taken during gestation and while breastfeeding.

If you buy Generic Rabeprazole and use it while you have a severe liver failure or to treat the diseases for which the medication is prescribed in children, you should use the medication very cautiously and only if a doctor approves.

What negative reactions can you develop while using Rabeprazole?

The medication can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, constipation, bloating, liver function changes, dryness of the mouth, low appetite, stomatitis, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, depression, vision impairment, muscle cramps, coughing, nasal congestion, and others.

On top of that, the preparation use can cause allergic reactions in case of which occurrence you must stop using the pills immediately and inform your doctor.

How does the medication interact with other medicines?

Before you order Aciphex tablets, it is reasonable to consult your doctor if you take any other medications as this medication can negatively interact with them. For instance, Aciphex tablets substancially lower the concentration of ketoconazole and increase the level of digoxin in the body.

The medication does not negatively interact with liquid antacid drugs (i.e. meds to cope with heartburn) and is compatible with the medications that are metabolized with cytochrome P450, i.e. warfarin, Phenytoin, diazepam, and others.

How to take the pills?

First of all, before you order Generic Aciphex, you need to do all necessary tests to be sure that you don’t have any malignant process or tumor in the stomach as in the case of their presence the use of the medication can temporarily lower the symptoms and at the same time make the diagnosis more difficult to make. It is also important to use the medication cautiously if you suffer from severe liver dysfunction.

In case of sleepiness due to the pills use, it is encouraged to refrain from driving during the course of therapy.

The dosage regimen recommended for active ulcer of duodenum and stomach is 20 mg (one pill) taken once daily before breakfast. In most of the people with the ilness, the time needed for the ulcer to heal is four weeks during which the medication is used without interruptions and a special diet followed.

However, some patients may need to take the preparation for four more weeks after the symptoms disappeared. People with benign ulcer of the stomach usually require from six to twelve weeks of uninterrupted intake of the medication.

For the suppression of gastroesophageal reflux disease, the advised dosage is 20 mg once daily before meal taken during from one to two months. For supportive therapy, the dosage can be reduced to 10 mg a day if it is effective. If after a month a month of continuous therapy the symptoms do not fade, further tests for more precise diagnosis must be made. If the signs faded but the episodes of the disease come back from time to time, the medication can be taken by one 10 mg pill occasionally (for instance, before meals that provoke the exacerbation, before doing sports, and so on).

The dosage for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is selected individually. The initial dose is 60 mg daily. It can be gradually raised to 120 mg daily if needed but a single dose must not exceed 100 mg. If you need to take 120 mg a day, it should be split into two equal intakes, i.e. by 60 mg each. The treatment can be continued for as long as needed.

The treatment of H. pylori made along with antibacterial drugs is made with 20 mg taken twice a day for a week.

People with kidney dysfunction do not require dosage adjustments.

Overdose of Aciphex

Therefore, there is not enough statistical data on the negative reactions that develop in the use of excessive dosages of the medication. If you realize that you overdosed and started suffering from severe adverse reactions, you need to receive symptomatic treatment possibly at a hospital.

Where to buy Aciphex?

Naturally, you can get the medication from your local drugstores but since you are visiting this webpage, probably you wish to order Rabeprazole online and it is a wise decision! We sell the pills without a prescription and at the lowest prices reasonable for the qualitative and effective medications.

Aciphex shipping

Our medstore ships internationally using standard shipping and express shipping methods. Choose the one that suits your needs and you will receive your order in the shortest time.

Free prescription

Our doctor prescribes Rabeprazole online for free, and there is no doctor’s consultation fee.

Discrete packaging

All orders of Rabeprazole arrive in discrete unmarked parcels. We leave the shipment description blank.

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