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Effective Depression Treatment with Remeron Mirtazapine

Drug description:
Generic Remeron is an antidepressant identical to the branded medication with the same name without the addition “generic” before it. The only difference is that the medication is manufactured by another pharmaceutical company who markets it cheaper. The pills are used in the same manner as the branded medication and for the same conditions such as major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety, social phobia, and others. The medication is contraindicated to be used for children and adolescents. To find more detailed instructions on the preparation read our guide.
Brand name:
Generic name:
- Helps to eliminate the symptoms of mental disorders and prevent relapses.
Mirnite, Mirtaz, Olsalazine, Sandoz.
Remeron (Mirtazapine 15 mg)
Actual product may differ in appearance from image shown.

Order Remeron (Mirtazapine 15 mg)

Dosage:15 mg
Quantity (max. 2) Package Price, USD You save
1 30 pills $45.00 $49.49 $4.49
1 60 pills $80.00 $89.89 $9.89
1 90 pills(popular) $110.00 $129.14 $19.14
1 120 pills $150.00 $175.52 $25.52
Price: $168.90

Order Remeron (Mirtazapine 30 mg)

Dosage:30 mg
Quantity (max. 2) Package Price, USD You save
1 30 pills $48.00 $57.16 $9.16
1 60 pills $85.00 $96.72 $11.72
1 90 pills(popular) $110.00 $128.64 $18.64
1 120 pills $140.00 $165.72 $25.72
Price: $168.90

Generic Remeron (Mirtazapine 15 mg) Medication guide:

More facts about Generic Remeron (Mirtazapine 15 mg):

What is the preparation sold as Generic Remeron?

The preparation called Remeron is a brand medicine manufactured by a certain pharmaceutical company. The name is a registered trademark and cannot be used by other pharmaceutical companies but the active substance, Mirtazapine, is widely used.

The active substance Mirtazapine was developed in1994. Then, the exclusive patent for the manufacturing and selling of the preparation was obtained by the drug developer. This substance was and is currently used as the main ingredient in one of the most effective (according to the research dated 2009) antidepressants, Remeron. However, absolutely the same medication is made and marketed by other drug makers. They can use the formula because the patent has already expired and since they didn’t invest in the research and the promotion of their medications, they price the products cheaper. You can find such medications if you look for Generic Remeron. It is a generic name based on the known and advertised name of the medication but it is not a registered trademark. The medicines are called absolutely differently. For instance, you can see the names Mirnite, Mirtaz, Olsalazine, and others on the original boxes of pills. But you don’t have to worry that you may end up purchasing the wrong medication. You can easily check the active substance, it is always indicated below the trade name and in the case of this antidepressant, it should be Mirtazapine.

Why is the generic version cheaper than the branded medicine if they are the same?

You may wonder, what is the reason behind the big price difference between branded medicines and generics? There are several factors that influence it. The most obvious reason is that the generic drug makers do not invent their medicines but rather use someone else’s inventions when the law allows them. This practice is promoted by the World Health Organization because it makes it possible for people from all classes with any incomes to enjoy the most effective and modern medications. For instance, if you need an antidepressant and you cannot afford the branded one you can either opt for an outdated, less effective but cheap medication or buy Generic Remeron and get absolutely the same effect as from the branded medicine based on Mirtazapine.

Besides, the generic drug makers do not promote their medications and place their facilities where they make the pills in the developing world. This allows them to cut the production and promotions costs, and market their products several times cheaper than the branded medications without compromising the quality.

And the third factor for such huge price difference is that large pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars every year on kickbacks to healthcare workers for prescribing their medications. It is also proven that the majority of medications in the U.S. are incredibly overpriced just because their manufacturers want to sell them so expensively and no one stops them.

When should I buy Generic Remeron?

The medication is appointed for the therapy of depressive states of various reasons. If your doctor prescribes you Remeron, you can without any doubts buy Generic Mirtazapine instead.

The preparation can be also prescribed for the treatment of generalized anxiety, affective disorders (for instance, bipolar disorder), panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and other if your therapist believes that it would be more suitable than the other medicines. However, even if you are diagnosed with one of the conditions but your doctor didn’t prescribe you the preparation, you should not start using it without a consultation with a specialist. There could be factors why the medication cannot be used in your case.

When shouldn’t I purchase Remeron?

There are certain contraindications for the preparation use even if you have all symptoms of the diseases it is used to treat. The main contraindication for use of Mirtazapine is intolerance of the active or additional substances contained in the pills. Besides, it is strictly contraindicated to use the pills at the same time with MAO inhibitors (more detailed info on drug interactions find in the section below).

During pregnancy, the drug is used only in a case of emergency if the potential benefit to the mother exceeds the potential harm to the fetus.

If you buy Remeron and have one of the further listed conditions, please exercise caution and consult a doctor first: epilepsy and any organic damage of the brain, any moderate to severe heart conditions, cerebrovascular diseases, hypotension (lowered blood pressure) and any conditions that cause it, drug dependence, propensity to abuse psychoactive drugs, mania, hypomania, urination disorder, benign prostatic hyperplasia, acute closed-angle glaucoma, elevated intraocular pressure, diabetes, hepatic and/or renal insufficiency. The preparation is also not advised to be used in patients younger than 18 years.

What medicines or substances are contraindicated to be combined with Generic Remeron?

The majority of antidepressants, as well as Remeron (Mirtazapine), are prohibited to be used along with MAO inhibitors and/or alcohol. If you need to start using MAO inhibitors, you need to start using them not sooner than 14 days after you stopped the therapy with Mirtazapine and vice versa.

It is undesirable to use the medication along with other medicines that influence serotonin production or level (for instance, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, lithium, and others).

The preparation enhances the sedative (calming, sleeping) effect of other agents that influence the central nervous system. Therefore, any other preparations or medicines that affect CNS can be used along with Remeron (Mirtazapine) only if your therapist approves.

The risk of significant QT elongation is possible in the concurrent use of the antidepressant with antipsychotic medicines and/or antibiotics.

Carbamazepine and Phenytoin significantly lower the blood concentration of Mirtazapine and the daily dosages of the later should be increased.

How should I use Generic Remeron?

If your therapist gave you the instructions on how you should use Remeron, you should follow them without any changes if you buy Mirtazapine (a generic version of the medicine) instead. But make sure to check the dosage per pill.

If you don’t have any recommendations, you can follow the official instruction information from which is provided here.

The daily dosage is taken in a single intake before sleep or split into two intakes: one-third of the dosage in the morning and two-thirds before bedtime.

The daily dosage of the medication is from 15 mg to 45 mg a day. The initial dosage is 15-30 mg a day with subsequent increase to 45 mg a day if the effect of the lower dosages is insufficient. The therapeutic effect is usually observed 1-2 weeks after the therapy start and if it is considered that the medication hadn’t contributed to any positive changes within 2-4 weeks, the medication should be replaced. However, make sure to discontinue the therapy properly. If you use increased dosages, you should reduce the dosages gradually by 15 mg till the complete withdrawal.

Adverse reactions Generic Remeron can cause

When you order Remeron, you should be ready that the medication can cause not only positive effects but also certain negative ones. The most common side effects are sleepiness, dryness of the mouth, increase of the appetite and body weight. If you suffer from severe or other disturbing negative symptoms and believe that they can be caused by the pills use, inform your therapist immediately.

Overdose with Remeron

The symptoms of overdose include drowsiness, sleepiness, disorientation, tachycardia, hallucinations, elevation or lowering of the blood pressure.

If you took the increased dosage less than two hours ago, you can induce vomiting and take activated carbon to avoid the symptoms development. If the symptoms have already developed, you should seek medical assistance as you would need symptomatic therapy.

Where to buy Remeron?

The treatment with antidepressants usually implies the long-term use of pills. Therefore, you may want to save and avoid purchasing branded pills. We offer you to order Generic Remeron at a low price and without a prescription so you could also save on the visits to your therapist.

Remeron shipping

You can without any worries order the pills from our online pharmacy and rest assured that you will receive them wherever you are as we ship internationally.

Free prescription

Our doctor prescribes Mirtazapine online for free, and there is no doctor’s consultation fee.

Discrete packaging

All orders of Mirtazapine arrive in discrete unmarked parcels. We leave the shipment description blank.

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Remeron (Mirtazapine) Reviews:
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